At K & L Roofing,Inc. we are a full-service roofing company We use the latest and best quality products available. We are able to service a variety of roofing needs including foam (SPF) and coatings for any commercial roof. But wait, SPF and coatings aren't just for roofs they are a multi-purpose product that have multiple applications such as storage tanks, walls, oil & gas industry, agriculture and more! Foam and coatings are very popular because of their ease to apply and the benefits.
Let us give an example of the benefits of a specific coating product we use which is the Ultra-flex 1000 waterborne acrylic elastomer by General Coatings Manufacturing Corp. The Ultra-flex 1000 has outstanding UV resistance, great fungus and mildew growth resistance, it is cool roof certified, and title 24 compliant. Other benefits include low dirt pick up, easy maintenance and re-coat, and tough surface with granules.
Now here is an example of a specific foam product that we use the Ultra-thane 230 polyurethane foam, also from General Coatings Manufacturing Corp. The Ultra-thane 230 is used on roofs for thermal insulation and waterproofing great for a new roof or a restore. This product is also used to insulate hot and cold storage tanks and it can be formulated in different densities to accommodate a range of applications. The SPF foams are self flashing, easy to apply, energy efficient, weather resistant, and seamless just to note a few benefits.
When it comes to foams and coatings there are a plethora of great products out to help get the job done, but it is important to pick the absolute best one for your project. Make sure you know what products are being used on your roof and make sure that your roofing professional is using good quality products.